The Department of Religious Studies and Classics invites you to attend a public presentation of the Religious Studies capstone student’s research.
When: Thursday, May 5th from 6-7:50 pm
Where: Modern Languages Building, Rm 371
These presentations mark the culmination of the Religious Studies Capstone course. As part of the course requirement our majors pursue a research topic of their own design. This requires them to pick a topic of interest, conduct intensive research, and write a formal paper. These presentations are the result of this semester-long project. Please come support our majors as they share their research!
Samantha Stacey Balber, “Hybrid Holidays: The Appropriation of Judaism in Y'Shua's Name”
JJ Bercel, “Imperial-Way Zen: A Means For Propagation”
Kat Hermanson, “Deployments and Disruptions of the Secular/Religious Binary in LDS Rhetoric”
Regina Sue Laine, “Christian Mysticism: Contemporary Thought on Medieval Female Mysticism”
Samir Madden, “Disability: A Sign of Sanctity or Sin or Neither?”
Kirah Mueller, “How Philosophical Changes Affect Popular Religion: A Look at Faith and Reason”
Zachary Yee, "Honoring Our Ancestors: Developing Asian American Protestant Theologies"