Application Deadline:
Applications will be accepted through Monday, May 1, 2023
In 1978, Lionel England “Lee” Rombach donated funds to Religious Studies at the University of Arizona for the purpose of supporting upper-level undergraduates pursuing the study of religion. He endowed this scholarship in memory of his parents, Lambert Rombach and Anna England Rombach. For over forty years, the Rombach Scholarship has been distributed annually to Religious Studies majors to help with their educational expenses. Lee Rombach passed away in 2008, and his legacy continues to benefit Religious Studies majors at the University of Arizona. His obituary can be read here.
In keeping with the spirit of Lee Rombach’s gift to Religious Studies, the department is offering Lionel E. Rombach Emergency Scholarship funding for upper-division Religious Studies majors facing challenges in completing their degree.
To be eligible for this funding, students must meet the following criteria:
- Currently pursuing a Religious Studies major at the University of Arizona.
- Facing financial challenges in completing the major in Religious Studies.
- Currently in good standing at the University of Arizona, with a minimum 3.0 GPA for the Religious Studies major.
- Priority will be given to majors who will have completed at least five (5) Religious Studies courses (half the major) by the end of Spring 2023.
- Students who have received a Rombach/Bretall scholarship in the past can apply for this funding, if they have financial need.
To apply for this funding, please submit the following BY THE POSTED APPLICATION DEADLINES:
- Your University of Arizona transcript. It is fine to submit an unofficial transcript.
- A Religious Studies degree completion plan. Please work with faculty advisor Prof. Alison Jameson (ajameson@arizona.edu) to complete this. The degree completion plan form can be downloaded below.
- A 1-2 page statement of need. Please describe in detail how these funds would assist you in completing your Religious Studies major. (For example, through enrolling in a summer course.) At the top of your statement of need, please include the following:
- your name
- your university email address
- your major(s)
- your expected graduation date
- the Religious Studies courses you will have completed by the end of Spring 2022
- (Optional): If possible, provide a specific amount requested for a specific purpose (for example, “I need $1,600 to take this summer course” etc.) If available, please do include any documentation of pertinent information showing financial need. For example, please include documentation of Pell Grant eligibility or any other established eligibility for need-based funding.
To apply, please email the above materials by May 1, 2023 to Marcela Thompson at marcelathompson@arizona.edu.
Please note that the number and size of the awards will be determined by the Department of Religious Studies and Classics after reviewing applications.
Questions? Contact Dr. Rae Dachille, raedachille@arizona.edu