New! Double Major Pathway in Medicine and Religious Studies for Health Professionals (B.S.)

Doctor holding hands of patient

New! Double Major Pathway in Medicine and Religious Studies for Health Professionals (B.S.)

Stand Out with a Double Major in Medicine and Religious Studies for Health Professionals

In an increasingly competitive STEM world, the combination of a B.S. in Medicine and a B.S. in Religious Studies for Health Professionals (RSHP) offers students a pathway to a unique double major that can be completed in four years. This double major shares a total of 15 credit units between Medicine and RSHP and provides an interdisciplinary course of study. While preparing for a career in medicine, you will learn about diverse religious perspectives on life cycle issues from birth through the end of life, as well as the ongoing engagement of religious institutions and movements with healthcare.

Course of Study

15 Shared Units (5 Courses)

The double major shares a total of 15 credit units (5 courses) between Medicine and RSHP. Beyond these 15 shared credits, students will need to fulfill all additional requirements for the individual Medicine major and RSHP major. Please contact an advisor in the College of Medicine regarding the complete requirements for the B.S. in Medicine.

General Education Coursework

Ideally, students will work with their academic advisor to double-use 9 credits of General Education coursework with the dual major in Medicine and RSHP. Many RSHP courses count for General Education credit.

128 Total Units

The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) with a double major in Medicine and RSHP can be completed with a total of 128 credit units.

The 15 shared credits (5 shared courses) in the double major in Medicine and RSHP will be distributed as outlined below.

All double majors will complete the following 6 credits (2 courses), which are required for the double major in Medicine and Religious Studies for Health Professionals:

  • PSIO 411 or PHIL 321 - Medical Ethics (3 credits)
  • RELI 406 – Religious Diversity in Healthcare: Intercultural Training (3 credits)

Double majors will select 6 credits (2 courses) from the following course list, which will count toward the double major in Medicine and Religious Studies for Health Professionals:

  • RELI 303: Spirituality & Sickness: Religion & Health in the U.S. (3 credits)
  • RELI/PHIL 326: God, Humanity, & Science (3 credits)
  • RELI/PSY 336: Spirituality, Psychology & the Mind (3 credits)
  • RELI/EAS 359: Buddhism & Healing (3 credits)

Double majors will select a 5th course to double count toward the double major in Medicine and Religious Studies for Health Professionals from the list of RSHP Concentration courses, as shown on the main Religious Studies for Health Professionals webpage.


Contact Dr. Karen Seat at
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